
Sunday, July 26, 2015

My Talents

It's another week and time for another link-up with Miss Monica at I Heart Grade 3. The topic this week asked the bloggers to write about our talents. This is a hard one. While there are many things I enjoy doing that others would call talents, I admit that I don't usually feel that I am talented at them. However, I have picked a few of these.
I love music. I started piano lessons when I was six towards the end of first grade. While I took two and a half years off in middle school (because I simply wasn't practicing), I continued my piano lessons throughout high school (which amounts to almost 9 years of lessons). I really do enjoy playing the piano. Even with nine years of lessons, I am only adequate. Of course, not getting very many opportunities to play for awhile during college and the early years of my marriage did not help my abilities. However, at the school I just left, I was the only teacher who could play piano, so I played daily. We had daily devotions and weekly chapel that involved hymns as well as the service of Matins for chapel. I admit, my piano playing has improved greatly over the past five years due simply to the fact that I played every day at school. While I sometimes was frustrated with having to play (especially when a hymn was giving me trouble), I will miss accompanying my students this year. (Becuase I left, the school got the PTL to buy a recording of all of the music in the hymnal. It cost $700. I apparently am not cheap to replace!)
I also love to sing. With the exception of 1 year in high school and this past year due to living apart from my husband during the week, I have sung in choirs since second grade. (This year I did get a few opportunities to sing with choirs as well.) I especially love to sing more challenging music, especially that of Bach and Mendelssohn. In May, I had the opportunity to sing with Opera Theatre of St. Louis in their Spring Sing event, which was a way to kick off their festival season. For that performance I got to sing with the season's cast, as well as famed operatic talents Christine Brewer and Denyce Graves. It was a lot of fun and a good way for me to get back into singing shape after a year of very little choir time!
Photo Credit: J. David Levy and Opera Theatre of St. Louis

Denyce Graves and Christine Brewer are by the piano.  I am a little harder to spot, but I am there!

Check out the link-up!


  1. That's awesome that you have so many musical talents! That's definitely an area that I cannot do, but have always wanted to.

    Cait Veise
    Cait's Cool School

  2. Hi Caroline,

    Wow! I am always in awe of people who can play musical instruments. My husband plays the drums and the violin (somewhat direct opposites, eh?). One Valentine's Day when we were first together and $$ was tight, he serenaded me with his violin. It was one of the best presents he has ever given me!

