
Monday, October 20, 2014

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Well, it is that time of year again.  The school year is well under-way.  First quarter is over, and it is time for parent/teacher conferences.  Every teacher LOVES conferences, right?  While I do enjoy the opportunity to meet with parents I don't see very often, I would be lying if I said I enjoyed (or even liked) conferences.  I can't have a real discussion with parents about their child in only 15 minutes.  Of course, I can't really go over because then I will back up everyone else behind me.  (Plus, I already have to be at school for more than 12 hours.  I really don't want to extend that any longer.)

I have to use the limited time I have the best I can.  I came up with a planning sheet that I use to make sure I cover no more than 3 important points with parents.  I don't want my parents to get overwhelmed.  It is so easy to list problem after problem, but, without opportunity for lots of dialogue during conferences, it winds up sounding like all I want to do is complain about their child, which doesn't help anyone.  The sheet I use also helps me make sure that I focus on one important area for change or development.  One idea is manageable for parents to work on with you.  And, so parents know that I really do enjoy teaching their child, I make sure to include praise.  So many parents come into conferences fearful of what the teacher will say.  I want to make sure they know I am on their side and like their child (even if it is that one student that drives me nuts every day).
You can get a free copy of my conference planning sheet here.  (It's a Google Doc.)

I also think that every teacher who has had to deal with parent/teacher conferences should get a reward.  So, through Thursday, every item in my Teachers Pay Teachers store is 20% off!  Click below to check out my store!

How do you manage conferences?  Let me know in the comments!

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