
Monday, September 29, 2014

Picture Day

Tomorrow is picture day. It is one of my least favorite days of the year. Yes, my students look adorable. However, pictures disrupt a good deal of my instructional time. When individual pictures are done, I can't take them out to recess because they will get dirty before the whole school picture. There isn't enough time to really get anything else done. Recess gets pushed back, which means I have less time for my reading groups. Some kids bring clothes to change into after pictures, and that takes time. Some don't, however, and always manage to get their nice clothing really dirty. (I won't help the situation tomorrow. We are doing a science project that involves lots of glue.) Plus, it takes extra time for me to get ready in the morning. I have to look cute, too! Fortunately, picture day only happens once a year. Oh, wait. I forgot about spring pictures...

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